I.    What do you hope to gain from the presentation?  What have you learned from communicating with your clients?  What frustrates you in your efforts to be an effective healing assistant?

II.     MY path to NLP:  1975-1980:

a.     Fritz Pearls, Carl Rogers,  - Client centered stuff. Really good if you are Carl or Fritz. And they did manipulate their client to achieve a positive outcome, make no mistake.

b.     Max Multxby , Albert Ellis (RET)  Bill Glasser (Reality) , Parent Adult Child  (TA): Much more structured with specifically identified goals and methods to achieve them.,

c.      Parent Effectiveness Training, UnderAchiever Syndrome, Hazelden material on substance abuse. Much more educational, a cookbook model that was pretty easy to follow.,

They all did something, none did everything.  Some very lacking. The core was missing – just help your client communicate their needs and all would be wonderful once insight was achieved.  Might work with highly motivated, educated, insightful, abstract thinkers.

III.    Birth of the Wheel Barrow:  Not right or wrong, but effective turn your generalizations into specific actions.  Respect that your client is competent to solve problems, but lacks the tools.  Bandler, Grinder, Satir, Milton Erickson, Baetson. What can accessing the subconscious (yours and your client’s) do for you. What resources are hidden in plain sight? How to access those resources in a way that is elegant and useful?

IV.     Main components:

a.     We are communicating beings who have never been taught to effectively communicate – to give and receive messages accurately.  To understand the intent of our message and put it into a form that is accepted and understood by our audience.  To understand that all communication is a manipulation.  That it is impossible to not communicate.  That the meaning of our communication is the result we get. That every communication is a distortion, that memory is selective. (Jon’s Meta Laws)

b.    All communication can be grouped into four primary representational systems: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory/gustatory.  That when stressed, we revert back to our primary system, although when relaxed we can communicate in all of them. ( insert comparison of rep systems)

c.   What goes on inside our head is at least as important as what comes out of our mouth.  And, our mouth often lies or distorts, but our body always tells the truth.  (insert Eye movement chart and demo)

d.  Our choice of words defines both our internal and external world.  We often don’t accurately understand the words we use and often don’t accurately understand the words others use. We limit our world by having invalid belief systems,   (insert: nominalizations, generalizations distortions, mind reading, assuming, personalizing)  We don’t listen. 50% of material shared non-professionally trained communicator (regular folk) is never received. If it is received (heard), it is distorted upon reception, or when it is translation into our view of the world. Trained professional communicators, attorneys, journalists, police, doctors, counselors, only hear 80%. with much the same distortions. And whether it is 50% or 80%, there is no way of knowing if it is the important information that is being accurately received.

V.       If we want to help a person change, we need to intervene by interrupting their patterns of thinking, problem solving or decision-making, and we do that by first understanding the language of the client, then taking that understanding and applying it to help the client in changing their behaviors then their beliefs. Finally, new learning is anchored so that it can be accessed. It is important to remember that resistance is power, slow down. I find it useful to by-pass the conscious mind by asking the client to set aside their disbelief just for now. Open up the subconscious willingness to explore the possible. And that is done by offering an altered state.

VI.    Brave new worlds:  Tony Robbins, Coaching, Motivational Interviewing, Solution focused intervention are tools that help in developing necessary skills and experience.

VII.    Science and Spirituality are really the same thing,:  The Four Agreements, The Secret, The Celestine Prophesy, Chakras, Quantum Mechanics, Archetypes, Healing Touch, essential oils, crystals, music, color, and more are all tools available for your use.

a.     What do clients have to say about why their impairments happened to them?  How did that change their view of the world, their view of themselves, trust, vulnerability.? Those are questions that help determine a map of the client’s world, and offers suggestions about how, when and to what extent their view might change.

b.     How open or closed is their world?  How many paths (choices) do they feel they have open to them?  What motivates them, who inspires them?  Where do they find the strength to do what they have to do?

c.      How do they overcome barriers – do they know what their barriers are?  How accurately can they describe them – to you, to themselves?

d.     How in touch with themselves are they?  Can they identify their thoughts, feelings, strengths, weaknesses, internal allies?

e.     What do they understand about their fear?  Do they know how to use fear as a resource, and as doorway to opportunity?

VIII: Out of the Swamp:  Putting it all together.


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